Im better than you
Im better than you
I'm confused. Glocks, Clocks, Locks, and now Socom :P
only noobs say that
Not really. I am a lot better than you!
There better be a computer in your kitchen, woman.
damn y do u socom ppl always spam up newgrounds
yo peechg
ya ya just get over lick lollipop don't stop till you hit the spot ooh
steriods why don't you come over here I'll show you a good time ;-)
instead lets have a good time NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
you must suk at everything and at sex
thats hot no wait your hot if you ever need a good time just ask
I agree with Korn ,Mono ,Arctic-Zone & Marshmallow
And LOL to Preternatural & Pornomon.
P.s. You smell! And your uber dumb too!
You're just jealous of my prowess.
that new film was awsome
Sadly, I do.
You'll only be better than me if you sleep with me.
Which I won't allow because I have standards.
My dick is much bigger than yours.